Mother's Day 2025: When is Mother's Day 2025 & 2026?

Below you can find dates of Mother's Day 2025 and Mother's Day 2026. In the table you can check how many days you have been on holiday, which week is the holiday and which day of the month.

When is ..? Date Day of the week Week Number Day left
Mother's Day 2025 May 11, 2025 Sunday 19 86
Mother's Day 2026 May 10, 2026 Sunday 19 450
Mother's Day 2027 May 09, 2027 Sunday 18 814
Mother's Day 2028 May 14, 2028 Sunday 19 1185
Mother's Day 2029 May 13, 2029 Sunday 19 1549
Mother's Day 2030 May 12, 2030 Sunday 19 1913
Mother's Day 2031 May 11, 2031 Sunday 19 2277
Mother's Day 2032 May 09, 2032 Sunday 19 2641
Mother's Day 2033 May 08, 2033 Sunday 18 3005
Mother's Day 2034 May 14, 2034 Sunday 19 3376
Mother's Day 2035 May 13, 2035 Sunday 19 3740

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is celebrated in honor of the mothers. It is celebrated every year in USA and in some other countries on 2nd Sunday of May. Anna Jarvis is considered the founder of Mother’s Day in the United States. She quit her job to focus full-time on persuading politicians, business executives and civic leaders into making the holiday official. On May 8, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Resolution designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day thanks to the persistence of Jarvis. Jarvis never married nor had children of her own.


On this day people used to honor their mothers who have a great contribution in their lives and for whom they exist in this world. Everyone has their own way to celebrate Mother’s Day. Some people give cards, gifts or flowers to their mothers, some prefer to dine out and some prefer to spend the whole day with their mothers. Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants in the USA and according to Hallmark, each Mother's Day around 162 million greeting cards are sent, making it the third largest card-sending holiday in the world. Whatever the way, the soul aim of this day is to thanks the mothers for everything they have done and make them feel very special.

Mother's Day will be celebrated on the May.


Mother’s Day Background

Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia, whose mother had organized women’s groups to promote friendship and health, originated Mother’s Day; on May 12, 1907, she held a memorial service at her late mother’s church in Grafton, West Virginia. Within five years virtually every state was observing the day, and in 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made it a national holiday. Although Jarvis had promoted the wearing of a white carnation as a tribute to one’s mother, the custom developed of wearing a red or pink carnation to represent a living mother or a white carnation for a mother who was deceased. Over time the day was expanded to include others, such as grandmothers and aunts, who played mothering roles. What had originally been primarily a day of honor became associated with the sending of cards and the giving of gifts, however, and, in protest against its commercialization, Jarvis spent the last years of her life trying to abolish the holiday she had brought into being.


Mother’s Day in the UK is held on Mothering Sunday. The fourth Sunday of Lent was first used by Christians to visit their “mother” church - the main church or cathedral in the area - however over time the occasion is increasingly referred to as Mother’s Day. The date is still officially known as Mothering Sunday in the UK, while the American secular holiday was originally referred to as Mother’s Day. The American Mother’s Day was not founded on religion and was established by Anna Jarvis in the 20th century. Jarvis was successful in 1914 when Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation for the date.


Mother’s Day Celebrations

Even though Mother’s Day is observed at different times of the year around the world, every celebration has one thing in common: showing mom how much you love her. Everyone has one or has someone who is like a mother to them.  On the second Sunday of May, we honor those women who are our mothers. Whether we shower her with gifts, take her to a fancy dinner or make her a homemade card, what moms want most is to be surrounded by the love of their family.  Knowing the people, they love are safe, sound and healthy is a mom’s number one priority.

Nowadays Mother's Day (or a similar event) is celebrated in more than 150 countries around the world, although at different dates. Many countries, including the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and many European countries, celebrate Mother's Day on second Sunday of May. On the other hand, in many African countries it is celebrated on 21 March. To summarize, most of the Mother's Day dates around the world fall in May or in March.


Mother’s Day Customs and Traditions

In France, Mother’s Day is traditionally celebrated by presenting mom with gifts and special cake, often in the shape of flowers.

In Mexico, they start their celebrations the night before Mother’s Day with a visit to mom or grandmother, followed the next day with a special church service and the singing of the traditional song “Las Mañanitas”, a popular birthday song.

On Mother’s Day in Japan, children draw pictures of their moms and enter them in an art contest. The winning pictures are shown at art shows across the country

Mother’s Day in Thailand celebrates the birthday of the country’s Queen, so it takes place on whatever date the current queen celebrates her birthday. It’s a national holiday, with parades, concerts and fireworks.

Indonesia doesn’t just celebrate moms, but ALL women on their traditional Mother’s Day, which takes place in December. In addition to gifts and cards, many people hold surprise parties and competitions (like cooking contests) that show off their skills.

Mother’s Day has not been a traditional holiday in India but it's slowly catching on. It's celebrated on the second Sunday in May, and it's a time to say thank you to moms and make them feel important.


Mother’s Day Facts

  • Anna Jarvis (woman who founded Mother's Day) believed it became too commercialized by 1920s and fought to have it abolished.
  • In the USA, Mother's Day is one of the biggest holidays for phone calls, and Father's Day is the busiest day for collect (reverse charge) calls.
  • Typically, 30% less is spending on Father's Day gifts than on Mother's Day gifts.
  • Mother's Day is the most popular day of the year to dine out in the United States with almost 40% of consumers doing so [4]. Accordingly, it is also the busiest day of the year for KFC.
  • Mother of John and Clarence Anglin, 2 of the 3 men who ever escaped from Alcatraz, received flowers anonymously every Mother's Day until her death in 1978. The interesting thing is her sons were officially reported to have drowned in San Francisco Bay while escaping in 1962.
  • Mother’s Day is the third most popular holiday in the world, behind only Christmas and Easter.
  • According to the Pew Research Center, more phone calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year.
  • A research study conducted by Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, found that flowers affect human behavior and make people feel happier and more compassionate around fresh-cut blooms.
  • Approximately 65% of all greeting card sales occur in the last five days before Mother’s Day.
  • Women purchase 80% of all Mother’s Day cards.
  • In what was formerly Yugoslavia, children would tie up their mother on Mother’s Day. The only way she could be freed would be to “pay” her children with candy and treats.
  • Around one-quarter of all flowers purchased throughout the year are purchased for Mother’s Day.
  • Many of the trademark sweaters that Mr. Rogers wore on his television show, Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, were knitted by his real mother.
  • Mother’s Day was intended to be a day to honor mothers individually and not collectively, thus the reason for the apostrophe before the “s” – making it singular possessive instead of plural possessive.
  • Mother’s Day is the busiest day of the year for the restaurant industry with 62% of Americans dining out.
  • American activist Anna Jarvis is credited with founding Mother's Day in the United States and she is responsible for the modern-day Mother's Day celebrations as we know it. Though she never had children of her own, Jarvis reportedly wanted to ensure her own mother's wish for a day just for moms. She campaigned for years to help make the day a reality.
  • The first Mother's Day is believed to have been celebrated in 1908 in the American states of West Virginia and Philadelphia.
  • On May 9, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a law designating the second Sunday each May as Mother's Day in the United States.
  • Though Mother's Day is celebrated in United States, India and a number of countries on the second Sunday of May each year, the United Kingdom celebrates Mother's Day on March 6.
  • In the UK and some parts of Europe, the fourth Sunday of Lent is often celebrated as Mothering Day. In France, mothers are celebrated on the last Sunday of May.
  • Mother's Day is one of the most profitable holidays in the United States. This year, people are expected to spend a near-record of $23.1 billion, according to the National Retail Federation on greeting cards, flowers, dinners, clothing or jewelry.
  • Ancient Greeks held spring festivals to honor mothers. Although it wasn't like the Mother's Day celebrations we have today, the ancient Greeks used to hold spring festivals to honor the maternal goddess Rhea. She was believed to be the mother of many deities.


Mother’s Day Symbols

  • Red Roses
  • Pink Roses
  • Carnations
  • Cards
  • Crafts that are made with love
  • Hearth symbols, heart-shaped cakes

Check out the Mother's Day in the following years.