Daylight Saving (Start) 2025: When is Daylight Saving (Start) 2025 & 2026?
Below you can find dates of Daylight Saving (Start) 2025 and Daylight Saving (Start) 2026. In the table you can check how many days you have been on holiday, which week is the holiday and which day of the month.
When is ..? | Date | Day of the week | Week Number | Day left |
Daylight Saving 2025 | March 09, 2025 | Sunday | 10 | 28 |
Daylight Saving 2026 | March 08, 2026 | Sunday | 10 | 392 |
Daylight Saving 2027 | March 14, 2027 | Sunday | 10 | 763 |
Daylight Saving 2028 | March 12, 2028 | Sunday | 10 | 1127 |
Daylight Saving 2029 | March 11, 2029 | Sunday | 10 | 1491 |
Daylight Saving 2030 | March 10, 2030 | Sunday | 10 | 1855 |
Daylight Saving 2031 | March 09, 2031 | Sunday | 10 | 2219 |
Daylight Saving 2032 | March 14, 2032 | Sunday | 11 | 2590 |
Daylight Saving 2033 | March 13, 2033 | Sunday | 10 | 2954 |
Daylight Saving 2034 | March 12, 2034 | Sunday | 10 | 3318 |
Daylight Saving 2035 | March 11, 2035 | Sunday | 10 | 3682 |
Daylight Saving
Daylight Saving Time is the practice of moving the clock forward by one hour at the beginning of spring and moving it back one hour in fall. The aim is to make use of daylight longer into the evening by starting daylight an hour later in the morning. "Daylight Saving Time", usually abbreviated to DST, is the term used for this adjusted time in the United States and Canada; in Europe it is usually referred to as "Summer Time". The time observed during the rest of the year is usually called "Standard Time".
Daylight Saving Time starts on the second Sunday in March of every year and ends on the first Sunday in November. It is observed in all US states except Arizona and Hawaii. The clocks are adjusted at 02:00 am local time, which means the change happens at different times of the night depending on the time zone. The clocks move forward from 02:00 am to 03:00 am at the beginning of DST in spring and back from 02:00 am to 01:00 am at the end in fall.
Daylight Saving Background
Introduced for the first time in 1918 during World War I for just one summer, Daylight Saving Time was used only intermittently and only in some states until World War II, when it was reintroduced nationwide and year-round as "War Time". The practice lasted from 1942 to 1945, but was followed by patchwork local use again afterwards. A federal law on DST was enacted in 1966, and it has been in use in various permutations and with a number of adjustments ever since. Many people have difficulties remembering which way the clock moves when the time changes. One easy way is to remember the mnemonic "spring forward, fall back".
Note that the spelling "daylight savings time" (with an "s" at the end of "savings") is considered to be incorrect, even though it is more commonly used, especially colloquially. The correct spelling is "daylight saving time" as the term refers to the 'saving' of daylight in the morning, to be used in the evening. There is no connection with the word "savings" as used in "savings accounts" or "savings bonds", which refers to money deposits held in bank accounts.
Daylight Saving Celebrations
On the Daylight Saving Time you can:
- Leave work in a happy state- of-mind.
- Walk your dog for an extra 10 minutes.
- If you don’t have a dog, you can go to the dog park and watch them frolic.
- Look cool AF in your car since it’s going to be so bright when you leave the office that you’ll need to wear your favorite pair of sunglasses.
- Meet your Tinder date for the first time in daylight.
- Flip your mattress since (apparently) you’re supposed to flip it every six months to avoid hills and valleys.
- Organize a work happy hour at your favorite rooftop bar.
- Have dinner in your backyard.
- Fire up the grill.
- Buy a treat from the ice cream truck.
- Go to the park.
- Have a picnic in the park.
- Play something “Ultimate” in the park.
- People-watch in the park.
- Save electricity — turn your lights off for an extra hour.
- Go to Whole Foods.
- Get more after-work errands done (like going to Whole Foods) and feel good about it.
- Exercise outside.
- Pick up a new hobby.
- Hang out on a stoop.
- Catch a tan.
- Use the hour of sleep you lost to sleep in really late on the weekends and not feel guilty about it.
- Use this opportunity to buy a cute new clock just because.
Daylight Saving Customs and Traditions
In autumn the Daylight Saving ends and the clock returns from summer time to standard time, also known as the winter time. The clock is turned back by an hour which allows to take advantage of daylight in the morning better. In the USA, the time change has been applied since 1918. Many countries around the world change the time from summer to winter. In the case of the United States, the one-hour shift takes place at 2 a.m. of local time. In the spring, the clock is moved from 01:59 a.m. to 03:00 a.m. DST. In autumn, the clock is moved from 01:59 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. DST. Since 2007, the end of the summer time takes place on the first Sunday in November, and the return to the summer time (by moving the clock forward) takes place on the second Sunday in March.
Daylight Saving Facts
- More than a century before Daylight Saving Time (DST) was adopted by any major country, Benjamin Franklin proposed a similar concept in a satirical essay. In the piece, published in 1784, he argued: All the difficulty will be in the first two or three days; after which the reformation will be as natural and easy as the present irregularity [...] Oblige a man to rise at four in the morning, and it is more than probable he will go willingly to bed at eight in the evening; and, having had eight hours sleep, he will rise more willingly at four in the morning following.
- In 1916, Germany became the first country to officially adopt Daylight Saving Time. It was born out of an effort to conserve coal during World War I, and Britain, along with many other European nations, was quick to follow the Germans’ lead. It wasn’t until 1918 that the time change spread to the U.S. A year after entering the war, America began practicing DST as an electricity-saving measure. Most countries, including the U.S., ceased official observation of the switch following wartime.
- The U.S. reconsidered DST in the 1970s, when, once again, the argument pivoted back to energy conservation. The oil embargo of 1973 had kicked off a nationwide energy crisis and the government was looking for ways to reduce public consumption. Daylight Saving Time was imposed in the beginning of 1974 to save energy in the winter months. Not everyone was enthusiastic about the change: Some of the harshest critics were parents suddenly forced to send their children to school before sunrise.
- Despite Daylight Saving Time’s origins as an energy saving strategy, research suggests it might actually be hurting the cause. One 2008 study conducted in Indiana found that the statewide implementation of DST two years earlier had boosted overall energy consumption by one percent. While it’s true that changing the clocks can save residents money on lighting, the cost of heating and air conditioning tends to go up. That extra hour of daylight is only beneficial when people are willing to go outside to enjoy it.
- DST has been widely accepted across the country, but it’s still not mandated by federal law. U.S. residents resistant to springing forward and falling back each year might consider moving to Arizona. The state isn’t exactly desperate for extra sunlight, so every spring they skip they time jump. This leaves the Navajo Nation, which does observe the change, in a peculiar situation. The reservation is fully located within Arizona, and the smaller Hopi reservation is fully located within the Navajo Nation. The Hopi ignores DST like the rest of Arizona, making the Navajo Nation a Daylight Saving donut of sorts suspended one hour in the future for half the year.
- Daylight Saving Time doesn’t begin at the stroke of midnight like you might expect it to. Rather, the time change is delayed until most people (hopefully) aren’t awake to notice it. By waiting until two in the morning to give or take an hour, the idea is that most workers with early shifts will still be in bed and most bars and restaurants will already be closed.
- Even if DST was good for your energy bill, that wouldn’t negate the adverse impact it can have on human health. Numerous studies show that the extra hour of sleep we lose by springing ahead can affect us in dangerous ways. An increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and susceptibility to illness have all been linked to the time change.
- Daylight Saving Time isn’t all bad news. One notable benefit of the change is a decrease in crime. According to one study published in 2015, daily incidents of robbery dropped by seven percent following the start of DST in the spring. This number was heavily skewed by a 27 percent dip in robberies during the well-lit evening hours.
Daylight Saving Symbols
Longer amounts of daylight in the fall means more time for kids to go trick-or-treating on Halloween. In 2007, the United States began pushing back the time change until after the holiday. The barbecue industry is also a big proponent of the extended daylight hours. In 1986, when the U.S. added an extra month of Daylight Saving time, it was estimated to be worth $100 million in extra sales of grills and charcoal briquettes.
Check out the Daylight Saving (Start) in the following years.